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 | Edycja MODów |  |
P.S. you can change a mod and repack the colobot2.dat file while the
game is running and your changes will be seen on any NEW object created
that uses that MOD file!
Code: | ** Header :: 34h bytes
Offset Type Description
00h DWORD File Version Major
04h DWORD File Version Minor
08h DWORD Number of Triangle definitions that follow
0Ch DWORD Unknown - always 0
10h DWORD Unknown - always 0
14h DWORD Unknown - always 0
18h DWORD Unknown - always 0
1Ch DWORD Unknown - always 0
20h DWORD Unknown - always 0
24h DWORD Unknown - always 0
28h DWORD Unknown - always 0
2Ch DWORD Unknown - always 0
30h DWORD Unknown - always 0 |
Code: | ** Point3D :: 0Ch Bytes
Note: contrary to most things, in computer graphics the world is drawn relative to the
screen not the "world". this means that Y is up and down, X is left to right, and Z is
toward and away from screen with Z going from the screen INTO the monitor.
| Z
| ^
| /
| /
.---------> X
Offset Type Description
00h float X
04h float Y
08h float Z |
Code: | ** PointUV :: 8h bytes
Just what is a UV you ask, it is a 2D point used to represent the location on a texture
e.g. the X, Y on an image. This value ranges form 0.0 to 1.0 (yes just multiply the U
by the image width in pixels to get the X position - ditto for the V), while values
outside this range are valid for most render systems i haven’t seen colobot use any values
outside this bound.
Offset Type Description
00h float U
04h float V |
Code: | ** Vertex : 28h bytes
Offset Type Description
00h Point3D Position
0Ch Point3D Normal Vector (used for light calculations)
18h PointUV Texture 1 UV (Image/art)
20h PointUV Texture 2 UV (Dirty Image - see the PDF on level making) |
Code: | ** ColorRGBA : 10h bytes
Offset Type Description
00h float Red
04h float Green
08h float Blue
0Ch float Alpha (unused) |
Code: | ** Material : 44h bytes (This is a good one to google)
This material is applied to all three vertices of the triangle, therefore to the entire
surface of the triangle.
Offset Type Description
00h ColorRGBA Diffuse Color
10h ColorRGBA Ambient Color
20h ColorRGBA Specular Color (unused)
30h ColorRGBA Emissive Color
40h float Specular Power (unused) |
Code: | ** Triangle :: 0E8h Bytes
@@ This is the object your waiting for! @@
Offset Type Description
000h DWORD If this is 0 the triangle is not displayed
004h Vertex Vertex 1
02Ch Vertex Vertex 2
054h Vertex Vertex 3
07Ch Material Material of the surface
0C0h char[10h] Name of the texture (art) file used - note this file is always a TGA even if it says BMP
0D0h DWORD/float Unknown
0D4h float Range Geometry; // See Note 1
0D8h float Unknown 1000000 for most things; 100 for crystals
0DCh DWORD/float Unknown
0E0h DWORD Dirty Texture setting 0:NoDirt, 1:LevelCommanded, Other: Corresponds to "Dirty%d2.tga"
0E4h DWORD/float Unknown |
Well there you have it, the MOD file format.
Note 1:
The Range Geometry field is used to reduce the number of triangles in a scene. This is a floating-point number and you will see sets of overlapping geometry with this field varied. What does this mean? Lets say you find a model that has sets of geometry containing 0.0, 100.0, and 200.0 The triangles tagged with 0.0 will be rendered if the viewer is less than 100.0 units away, and the triangles tagged with 100.0 will be rendered if the viewer is between 100 and 200 units away, and if it's tagged 200.0 then the triangle will be rendered if the viewer is more than 200 units away.
In short the object contains more than one geometric representation of varying levels of detail.
Last edited by Ens on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:17; edited 3 times in total |
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Gości Online: 1
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Zarejestrowanych Uzytkowników: 421
Najnowszy Użytkownik: peter
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